Arjun Sinsinwar

Chief Inspiration Officer, Antara Cruises Indigenous, Regenerative, Boutique - pioneers of Indian river cruising & the world's longest river cruise

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Growing up engaged in independent travel firms at the cutting edge of destination & industry defining products, I've been privileged to pioneer innovative luxurious experiences for sustainable learning & cultural exchange across South Asia that are defined by & directly benefit local peoples.

The present crisis has reiterated the importance of trust and reliability in the people in our lives and the marques we choose. Boutique cruising is not just the provision of a photogenic room with fine dining, it is the kaleidoscope of local transformative engagement at every level: the seamlessness of movement across landscapes, the handcrafted nature of indigenous ships, authenticity of design & textiles, the transformative nature of discussions with expert guides, the deliciousness of reimagined traditional cuisine, and the warmth of interactions with local staff & peoples.

Our sailings unlock privileged access to mythologies & monuments forgotten in time, set in pristine wild landscapes where travellers don’t visit, in boutique handcrafted accommodations offering a 360 interface with local culture.

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