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Meet our Presenters

We've gathered some of the top experts in the field to discuss this topic. With years of experience between them, they're well-equipped to offer invaluable insights and perspectives.

Margie Jordan

Margie Jordan

Owner, Jordan Executive Travel Service

Zac Lovas

Zac Lovas

Co-founder, Vegan Travel Asia by VegVoyages

Jason McGregor

Jason McGregor

Owner & Travel Curator, Vegan Vacations

Gretchen Sheridan

Gretchen Sheridan

Tour Director and Designer, Vegan Travel Club/Tierno Tours

Donna Zeigfinger

Donna Zeigfinger

Owner, Green Earth Travel LLC

Patrice Henry

Patrice Henry

Senior Marketing Manager, Korea Tourism Organization

Shova Bhujel

Shova Bhujel

Communications and Administration Manager, Vegan Travel Asia by VegVoyages

JC de Klerk

JC de Klerk

"Aerial Escapes: Navigating Africa's Beauty through Conscious (Vegan- Plant based) Safaris", Air Safaris 269

Brighde Reed

Brighde Reed

Co-owner, World Vegan Travel

Ioannis Sampsonidis

Ioannis Sampsonidis


Arjun Sinsinwar

Arjun Sinsinwar

Chief Inspiration Officer, Antara Cruises


Vietnam Calling: Vegan Travel Tips for Your First Visit

Brighde Reed

Surprising Ways to Find Discounted Airfare

Margie Jordan

Vegan Travel Summit 2024 - Closing Session

Ioannis Sampsonidis Patrice Henry Shova Bhujel Margie Jordan Donna Zeigfinger Gretchen Sheridan Brighde Reed Jason McGregor Zac Lovas JC de Klerk Arjun Sinsinwar